Sunday, June 6, 2010

Amateurs and writing

To be qualified to write on the web is a joke.

Anyone and everyone is qualified and has in fact, done so already.

Do you have a personal bio on your Facebook? Favorite music on your Myspace? A link to your personal blog perhaps? Ever write a review on Yelp?

These are all amateur writers posting on the web. I am an amateur writer.

Whose to say I shouldn't be allowed to write what I want, when I want? If I'm not stealing someone else's work then I am qualified. Some use their blogs for creative outlets, and whose to take that away from them?

Facebook and Myspace have recently been used for police investigations involving sex predators, Internet bullying and extramarital affairs, among others.

If these amateur writers never posted on the Internet, it would be harder to find them. When they post information on the Internet, it is out there for the world to see. This makes it an extremely easy and valuable tool for tracking.

They are also idiots to put anything on the web that could get them into trouble because someone, somewhere is always watching. THAT is a known fact.

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